Online Dharma night with Arthakusalin 17th October

10 October 2024

On Thursday, 17th October 7.00 to 8.45pm (rather than the 24th, our usual 4th Thursday slot) for our Online Dharma Night we welcome Arthakusalin, a very experienced Order member from Ghent, Belgium.
He will share some reflections on Metta. His name comes from the Karaniya Metta Sutta and means “ he who is skilful with regard to the spiritual goal.” But what does that mean, what does that entail? How does Arthakusalin express this in daily life? An open exploration with room for questions.

"The dragons in our lives are perhaps princesses waiting for us to once be beautiful and brave" (free from Rilke)

Last month we hald a discussion based on one of his recorded talks from 2017, which is well worth listening to if you missed it.

 Zoom link    Meeting ID: 301 020 1893 pw 301018