About Us

Exeter Triratna Meditation & Buddhism Group is part of the Triratna Buddhist Community and has been offering Buddhist teaching to the people of Devon for almost two decades.

Triratna draws on the entire Buddhist tradition and expresses itself freshly and dynamically. We have been offering courses in Buddhism and meditation for more than 50 years. Our teachers are practising Buddhists who strive to incorporate the ideals of Buddhism into daily life. Our activities are open to everyone, you don't need to be a Buddhist to come along and see what we're doing and get involved.

We aim to make the Buddha's teachings applicable to the modern world and accessible to all.

Who we are

All of our activities are planned by a committed team of volunteers, Mitras and Order Members, who have a strong connection to Triratna. Our classes are run by Order Members or by Mitras who are actively training for Ordination.



Mitra Convenor

Danaketu started with Triratna in 2011 at an introductory retreat at Dhanakosa in Scotland, after a period of practising with Diamond Way. Danaketu was ordained by Danapriya in 2021, at Vajraloka and Guhyaloka, when he received his name "Beacon of Generosity". He now splits his time between Devon and East Kent, including leading online study classes, and serving both groups as Mitra Convener.

Gerry Moon

Gerry Moon

Gerry first discovered Triratna in 2011 through the Deal Buddhist Group (now East Kent ). Gerry asked to join the ordination process in  2016. Gerry is now both in the Devon and the East Kent Sangha's supporting the coordination of online and Saturday events.



Kusalarāja has been a Buddhist since first coming into contact with the Dharma in Gloucestershire in 2012. He has been involved in Devon since 2018 and was ordained in 2023 when he was given the name “Kusalaraja” which means “a king of skilful action”. Kusalaraja particularly leads our Wednesday classes with Vidyasakhi.

Robin Marshall

Robin Marshall


Robin lives in East Devon with his Wife and dog. Robin has been a regular member of the Exeter Sangha since 2008 and became a Mitra in 2016. Robin is Treasurer for our group.

Sarah Lane

Sarah Lane

Sarah first came to a Triratna Buddhism class is 2006, then became a mitra and asked for ordination in 2012. Sarah particularly supports the coordination of online and Saturday events.



Vidyasakhi got involved in Devon in 2024 after moving from Cambridge where she was chair of the Buddhist Centre there. Ordained in 2016, she was given the name “Vidyasakhi” which means “she who is a friend of knowledge”. Vidyasakhi leads our Wednesday classes with Kusalaraja

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