Online Dharma Night
An evening together on Zoom for all, but especially those who find it difficult to come to Exeter in person. Usually on the fourth Thursday of each month, see our newsletter for details.
The evening takes place in two halves. in which we explore an aspect of Buddhism with an opportunity for discussion. and one of the two Buddhist meditations that we practise.
Dharma is the name for the teachings of the Buddha. We introduce Dharma in a way that is accessible and practical to everyday life in the modern world. Usually the format is a short presentation, sometimes followed by breaking into smaller groups for discussion.
We teach two Buddhist meditation practices: Mindfulness of Breathing, for developing awareness, integration and clarity of mind; and Mettā Bhāvanā (“development of loving kindness”), which brings about a gentle but radical transformation of our emotional world.
Sometimes the evening includes a short ritual, a reading or a mantra.
How To Join
Email triratnaexeter@gmail.com for the Zoom link if you are joining us for the first time.
Use a PC or Mac
For most modern web browsers, you do not need to download anything. For a better experience you can, before the start time, download the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux. You do not need to create an account or sign in.
A few minutes before we're due to start, open the app if you have downloaded it, or go to join.zoom.us, and enter the meeting ID you've been given to join.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to book?
No, but you will need to email us for the Zoom link; exetertriratna@gmail.com
Do I need to be a Buddhist?
No - the class is suitable for everyone, including those who are completely new to meditation and Buddhism.
What should I wear for the meditation and how should I sit?
There are no special requirements, just make sure you'll be comfortable to sit for the length of the meditation. If you don't have meditation equipment, a dining room chair will be perfectly suitable.
How much does the class cost?
There is no cost to this class
The Team